Introducing New First Response Training Center Marketing Materials

New Brochure, Flyer & Wallet Card Designed with your Branding in Mind

While everyone could benefit from knowing CPR & First Aid, not everyone knows that they can access world class, convenient CPR & First Aid training through your Training Center. For that reason – and to help you enjoy the revenue boost that will come from increased course sales – we’ve created some informative, attractive sales materials that you can customize and use in your store.


The brochure points out the benefits of CPR & First Aid training to adventurers, explorers and anyone who enjoys an active lifestyle – a group that definitely includes your customers.


The flyer can be posted in the store to inform customers of their training options – it also works great as a bag insert.

Wallet Card

The wallet card is super cool – it gives your customers valuable life-saving information they can access in the event of an emer­gency. Additionally, the materials include a QR code which customers can use to download and save digital copies of the materials.

All of these materials are absolutely free for you to use with our compliments. Plus, we’ve included detailed instructions which will help you customize and print the materials, so customers remember to come to you for training.

The following link downloads a zip file which includes the instructions, customizable materials and ready-to-print PDFs:

Once downloaded, you will need to unzip the file. For instructions on how to unzip a file, click here.

If you have any questions or would like to have us customize the materials for you, please feel free to contact We are happy to help!